Turbo Tuesday Smash

The workout of the day consists of: For time 50 PushUps 50 Box Jumps 2420 inches 500 SingleUnders 30 Burpees 30 PullUps 1000m Row 1000m Run 100 SitUps

2024-08-13 · 2 min · Max Reps

Bodyweight Blitz

The workout of the day consists of: 5 rounds for time of 10 Hand Release PushUps 15 Jumping Lunges 20 Air Squats 25 SitUps

2024-08-12 · 1 min · Max Reps

Sunday Snatch and Row

The workout of the day consists of: Complete as many rounds as possible AMRAP in 12 minutes of 9 Bent Over Barbell Row 105 lbs 65 lbs 48 kg 30 kg 6 Kettlebell Snatches 3 each arm 1.5 pood 1 pood 24 kg 16 kg 9 Burpees

2024-08-11 · 2 min · Max Reps

Supercharged Saturday

The workout of the day consists of: 5 rounds for time of 3 Deadlifts 315 lb 143 kg 205 lb 93 kg 3 Ring Muscleups 3 Clean and Jerk 185 lb 84 kg 115 lb 52 kg 1 Rope Climb 15 feet 4.5 meters 10 Box Jumps 36 inches 91 cm 24 inches 61 cm

2024-08-10 · 2 min · Max Reps

Endurance Explosion

The workout of the day consists of: Complete as many rounds as possible AMRAP in 25 minutes of 500 meter row 20 kettlebell swings 5335 lb or 2416 kg 15 goblet squats 5335 lb or 2416 kg 10 toestobar

2024-08-09 · 2 min · Max Reps

Thursday Triple Ten

The workout of the day consists of: 10 rounds for time of 5 PullUps 10 Bar Dips 15 SitUps

2024-08-08 · 2 min · Max Reps

Midweek Metcon

The workout of the day consists of: 5 rounds for time of 9 Burpee Box Jump Overs 2 Rope Climbs 18 Dumbbell Snatch 50 lbs22.5 kg alternating 9 Strict Handstand Pushup 15 Kipping ChestToBar PullUp

2024-08-07 · 2 min · Max Reps

Tuesday Titan Tamer

The workout of the day consists of: 3 rounds for time of 25 Wall Balls 20 lb 14 lb or 9 kg 6 kg 20 Box Jump Overs 24 inches 20 inches or 60 cm 50 cm 15 Toestobar 10 Push Jerks 135 lb 95 lb or 61 kg 43 kg 5 Groundtoshoulder Sandbag Over 100 lb 60 lb or 45 kg 27 kg

2024-08-06 · 2 min · Max Reps

Farmers Monday

The workout of the day consists of: 5 rounds for time of 30 meters Farmers Walk 135 lb 61 kg 70 lb 32 kg 10 Push Jerks 135 lb 61 kg 75 lb 34 kg 10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches 50 lb 23 kg 25 lb 11 kg 400 meters Run

2024-08-05 · 2 min · Max Reps

Gravity Defier

The workout of the day consists of: 3 Rounds for Time 9 Bar MuscleUps 36 feet 11 meters Handstand Walk 18 Pistols OneLeg Squats each leg 30second Handstand Hold

2024-08-04 · 1 min · Max Reps