Turbo Thursday
The workout of the day consists of: For Time 2000 meter Run 20 PushUps 1000 meter Row 20 Ring Rows 100 Double Unders 20 Kipping PullUps
The workout of the day consists of: For Time 2000 meter Run 20 PushUps 1000 meter Row 20 Ring Rows 100 Double Unders 20 Kipping PullUps
The workout of the day consists of: 3 rounds for time of 12 Weighted Lunges 35 lbs16 kg or 18 lbs8 kg 12 Ring Chest Flys 50 meters Farmers Walks 35 lbs16 kg or 18 lbs8 kg 30 seconds Plank
The workout of the day consists of: 5 rounds for time of 50 Jumping Jacks 20 SitUps 20 Walking Lunges with Twist 15 Burpees 5 Handstand PushUps
The workout of the day consists of: 4 rounds for time of 8 Deadlifts 250 lb 114 kg 16 Burpees 3 Rope Climbs 15 ft 4.5 m 600meter Run
The workout of the day consists of: 4 Rounds For Time 50 Double Unders 20 Knees to Elbows 15 Box Jumps 2420 in 10 Burpees
The workout of the day consists of: 2 rounds for time of 20 Wall Balls 20 lb9 kg for men 14 lb6 kg for women 25 PushUps 30 Box Jumps 24 inches60 cm for men 20 inches50 cm for women 40 Air Squats 800 meters Row.
The workout of the day consists of: 3 rounds for time of 9 Thrusters 95 lb 43 kg 6 BarFacing Burpees 100 meters Walking Lunge 100 meters Sprint
The workout of the day consists of: 5 rounds for time of 15 Ring Pushups 20 Sledge Hammer Strikes 10 per side
The workout of the day consists of: Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of 15 Deadlifts 135 lb 61 kg 15 Hand Release PushUps 400m Run
The workout of the day consists of: For time 25 Kettlebell Snatch 1 pood 16 kg 35 lb 50 Push Press 1 pood 16 kg 35 lb 50 Kettlebell Swing 1 pood 16 kg 35 lb 50 Turkish GetUp 1 pood 16 kg 35 lb 50 Clean 1 pood 16 kg 35 lb 50 Goblet Squat 1 pood 16 kg 35 lb 25 Kettlebell Snatch 1 pood 16 kg 35 lb