Warrior Complex

The workout of the day consists of: For time 7 Rounds of 7 Overhead Squats 95 lb 43 kg for men 65 lb 29 kg for women 7 Box Jumps 2420 inches 7 Clapping PushUps

2024-03-13 · 1 min · Max Reps

Tuesday Triumph

The workout of the day consists of: In a 12minute window complete as many rounds and reps as possible AMRAP 12 Shoulder to Overheads 9565 lbs 4329 kg 6 Toes to Bars 4 PullUps 3 ChestToBar PullUps 2 Bar MuscleUps

2024-03-12 · 2 min · Max Reps

Monday Mash-Up

The workout of the day consists of: Complete max reps in 20 minutes of 20 calorie Row 30 Burpees 40 Clusters 95 lb 43 kg for men 65 lb 29 kg for women 50 Toes to Bar 100 ft Overhead Lunge 45 lb 20 kg for men 25 lb 11 kg for women 150 ft Sprint

2024-03-11 · 1 min · Max Reps

Sunday Sprint Circuit

The workout of the day consists of: For time 800 meters Weighted Run 20 lb 9 kg 14 lb 6 kg 30 Kettlebell Swings 15 pood 24 kg 1 pood 16 kg 30 PushUps 1515 Kettlebell Clean and Jerk 15 pood 24 kg 1 pood 16 kg 30 Air Squats 1515 Dumbbell Snatches 45 lb 20 kg 34 lb 15 kg 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24 inches 61 cm 20 inches 51 cm 800 meters Weighted Run 20 lb 9 kg 14 lb 6 kg

2024-03-10 · 2 min · Max Reps

Saturday Surge

The workout of the day consists of: Every minute on the minute EMOM for 10 minutes 4 Clean and Jerk 70 1RM

2024-03-09 · 1 min · Max Reps

Total Tenacity

The workout of the day consists of: 10 rounds for time of 10 PullUps 10 Air Squats 10 PushUps 10 SitUps 10 Burpees

2024-03-08 · 1 min · Max Reps

Double-Under Squat Mile

The workout of the day consists of: For Time 2 Rounds of 200 Double Unders 50 Overhead Squats 135 lb 6125 kg 1 mile Run

2024-03-07 · 1 min · Max Reps

Speed Pedal AMRAP 4

The workout of the day consists of: Complete as many rounds as possible in 4 minutes Assault Air Bike calories 2010

2024-03-06 · 1 min · Max Reps

Metronome Mastery

The workout of the day consists of: Every minute on the minute EMOM for 12 minutes 5 Muscle Snatches 135 lb 62kg 25 PushUps

2024-03-05 · 1 min · Max Reps

Full-Body Forge

The workout of the day consists of: 4 rounds for time 10 Sumo Deadlifts 78lb 35kg 10 Push Presses 78lb 35kg 20 Back Squats 78lb 35kg

2024-03-04 · 1 min · Max Reps