Tuesday Triple

The workout of the day consists of: 3 rounds for time of 30 Calories running 10 Deadlifts 135 lb 61 kg 95 lb 43 kg 5 Hang Power Cleans 135 lb 61 kg 95 lb 43 kg 5 Push Press 135 lb 61 kg 95 lb 43 kg 10 Kettlebell Swings 2 pood 32 kg 15 pood 24 kg 10 Burpees

2024-04-02 · 1 min · Max Reps

Monday Mash-Up

The workout of the day consists of: Strength 4 Rounds for Max Reps Thrusters 9565 lb or 4329 kg Conditioning 12minute AMRAP As Many Rounds as Possible 10 Pullups 15 Kettlebell Swings 5335 lb or 2416 kg 20 Box Jumps 2420 in or 6050 cm

2024-04-01 · 2 min · Max Reps

Sunday Summit

The workout of the day consists of: 7 rounds for time 10 Handstand Pushups 2 Rope Climbs 15 feet

2024-03-31 · 1 min · Max Reps

Saturday Circuit

The workout of the day consists of: 4 rounds for time of 1 minute Vups 1 minute Shoulder Press 111 lb 50 kg 67 lb 30 kg 1 minute Bent Over Barbell Row 111 lb 50 kg 67 lb 30 kg 1 minute PushUps 1 minute Rest

2024-03-30 · 2 min · Max Reps

Fierce Frenzy

The workout of the day consists of: For time 9 Thrusters 95 lb 43 kg for men 65 lb 29 kg for women 1000 meters Row 15 Thrusters 95 lb 43 kg for men 65 lb 29 kg for women 1000 meters Row 21 Thrusters 95 lb 43 kg for men 65 lb 29 kg for women

2024-03-29 · 2 min · Max Reps

Thursday's Tempo Trio

The workout of the day consists of: For time 3 rounds of 21159 Calorie Row 21159 Ring Dips

2024-03-28 · 1 min · Max Reps

Lucky Number Seven

The workout of the day consists of: For time 7 PullUps 7 Dips can use bars or rings 7 Burpees 7 Knees to Elbows 50 DoubleUnders or 100 SingleUnders for scaling 14 PullUps 14 Dips can use bars or rings 14 Burpees 14 Knees to Elbows 50 DoubleUnders or 100 SingleUnders for scaling 21 PullUps 21 Dips can use bars or rings 21 Burpees 21 Knees to Elbows 50 DoubleUnders or 100 SingleUnders for scaling

2024-03-27 · 2 min · Max Reps

Tuesday Tune-Up

The workout of the day consists of: For time 100 calories Row 75 Thrusters 45 lb 20 kg 50 PullUps 75 Wall Balls 20 lb 9 kg 100 calories Row

2024-03-26 · 1 min · Max Reps

Monday Madness

The workout of the day consists of: For time 21-15-9-6 Calorie Row 15-9-6-3 Shoulder Press 85 lb 38.5 kg

2024-03-25 · 1 min · Max Reps

Sunny Sunday Showdown

The workout of the day consists of: AMRAP 20 minutes 12 Calorie Row 12 Box Jumps 2460cm2050cm 12 Double Dumbbell Thrusters 50 lbs35 lbs or 225 kg16 kg

2024-03-24 · 1 min · Max Reps