Monday Mania
The workout of the day consists of: Every minute on the minute EMOM for 8 minutes 12 Vups 6 Clapping pushups
The workout of the day consists of: Every minute on the minute EMOM for 8 minutes 12 Vups 6 Clapping pushups
The workout of the day consists of: For time 3 Rounds of 15 Kettlebell Swings 1.5 pood 1 pood 24 kg 16 kg 15 Toes to Bar 200 meter Sprint After 3 rounds Finish with a 400 meter Run
The workout of the day consists of: EMOM Every Minute on the Minute for as long as possible 2 Back Squats Men 185 lb 84 kg Women 95 lb 43 kg
The workout of the day consists of: Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of 10 Vups 20 Dumbbell Thrusters 35 lb16 kg each hand 30 DoubleUnders
The workout of the day consists of: For time 50 Deadlifts 155 lb 115 lb 70 kg 52 kg 10 Turkish GetUps 1.5 pood 1 pood 24 kg 16 kg 40 PushUps 10 Turkish GetUps 40 PullUps 10 Turkish GetUps 40 Box Jumps 24 20 61 cm 51 cm 10 Turkish GetUps
The workout of the day consists of: Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes 1 Strict PullUp 3 Bar Dips
The workout of the day consists of: 8 rounds of 20 seconds PullUps 10 seconds Rest Directly followed by 8 rounds of 20 seconds PushUps 10 seconds Rest Directly followed by 8 rounds of 20 seconds Air Squats 10 seconds Rest
The workout of the day consists of: 5 rounds for time 3 Muscle Cleans 6 Push Presses 9 Front Squats Weights Men 135 lb 61 kg Women 95 lb 43 kg
The workout of the day consists of: Complete 4 rounds for time of 15 Burpees 12 PullUps 12 Shoulder to Overhead 115 lb 52 kg for men 85 lb 39 kg for women 24 Kettlebell Swings 1.5 pood 24 kg for men 1 pood 16 kg for women 30 seconds Handstand Hold
The workout of the day consists of: 15 rounds for time PullUps 151413121110987654321 PushUps 151413121110987654321 SitUps 151413121110987654321