Thursday Thrive

The workout of the day consists of: 5 rounds for time of 400 meter Run 7 Burpees 15 Kettlebell Swings 2 pood 1.5 pood or 32 kg 24 kg 15 Weighted Lunges 71 lb 53 lb or 32 kg 24 kg

2024-05-02 · 2 min · Max Reps

Midweek Mettle

The workout of the day consists of: Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of 6 Shoulder Presses 85 lb 38 kg 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 85 lb 38 kg 14 Front Squats85 lb 38 kg

2024-05-01 · 2 min · Max Reps

Twisted Tuesday Tenacity

The workout of the day consists of: 10 rounds for time of 7 Burpees 7 Knees to Elbows 7 Dumbbell Thrusters

2024-04-30 · 1 min · Max Reps

Monday Momentum

The workout of the day consists of: For Time 211596 Calorie Row 15963 Shoulder Press 83lb 38kg

2024-04-29 · 1 min · Max Reps

Sunday Man Maker Madness

The workout of the day consists of: Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of 5 Man Makers 50 lb22.5 kg for men 35 lb16 kg for women 200m Run 15 Wall Balls 20 lb9 kg for men 14 lb6 kg for women

2024-04-28 · 2 min · Max Reps

Saturday Stamina Surge

The workout of the day consists of: Complete as many rounds as possible in 18 minutes of 8 Burpee Box Jump Overs 6 Vups 4 Strict PullUps 8 Dumbbell Thrusters

2024-04-27 · 2 min · Max Reps

Friday Frenzy

The workout of the day consists of: 3 rounds for time 15129 Toes to Bar 15129 Wall Balls 20 lb 9 kg 15129 Thrusters 75 lb 34 kg

2024-04-26 · 2 min · Max Reps

Thunderous Thursday Throwdown

The workout of the day consists of: For time 1000 meters Row 30 PullUps 60 PushUps 30 Bar Dips 80 Wall Balls 20 lb 9 kg for men 14 lb 6 kg for women

2024-04-25 · 2 min · Max Reps

Midweek Metcon Mashup

The workout of the day consists of: Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of 7 Hand Release PushUps 14 Air Squats 7 Burpee Box Jump Overs 2420

2024-04-24 · 2 min · Max Reps

Toned-up Tuesday

The workout of the day consists of: 12Minute AMRAP 3 Bar MuscleUps 6 Pistol Squats 9 SitUps

2024-04-23 · 1 min · Max Reps