Workout of the day

Get ready to experience a quick, intense session that will test your power, explosiveness, and endurance. This workout is all about the Dumbbell Power Snatch, a great full-body exercise that builds strength and coordination.

The workout of the day consists of:

5 rounds for time:

  • 20 seconds Dumbbell Power Snatch (45 lbs / 20 kg)
  • 10 seconds Rest


  • Use a lighter dumbbell (20 lbs / 9 kg)
  • Reduce the number of rounds to 3
  • Perform the movement with just bodyweight by mimicking the snatch motion without weight

No equipment

  • Use a water bottle or backpack filled with books if dumbbells are not available


  • 5 minutes light jogging or rowing
  • 10 arm circles forward and backward
  • 10 leg swings front to back
  • 10 leg swings side to side
  • 1 minute of Samson stretch
  • 1 minute of World’s Greatest stretch


  • 2 minutes deep breathing
  • 1 minute forward fold stretch
  • 1 minute pigeon stretch on each side
  • 1 minute child’s pose
  • 1 minute lying hamstring stretch on each side
  • 1 minute seated forward bend