Workout of the day

Get ready to engage your endurance and strength with ‘Tuesday’s Endurance Grind!’ This WOD is a great way to challenge your upper body and cardiovascular capacity.

The workout of the day consists of:

5 rounds for time of:

  • 10 Strict Pull-Ups
  • 15 Bar Dips
  • 400 meters Run


  1. For Pull-Ups: Use a resistance band for assistance or do Ring Rows.
  2. For Bar Dips: Perform bench dips or use a resistance band for assistance.
  3. For 400 meters Run: Scale to 200 or 300 meters as needed, or substitute with 1:30 of high knees if running isn’t possible.

No equipment

  1. Pull-Ups: Towel rows using a sturdy horizontal surface or inverted rows under a sturdy table.
  2. Bar Dips: Dip between two sturdy chairs or perform push-ups.
  3. Running: Substitute with 100 high knees or 1-minute jumping jacks.


  1. 5-minute light jog or brisk walk
  2. Dynamic stretches (leg swings, arm circles, trunk twists)
  3. 10 PVC pass-throughs or band pull-aparts
  4. 10 Air Squats
  5. 5 Inchworms to push-up


  1. 5-10 minutes of slow walking or gentle jogging to bring the heart rate down
  2. Static stretches, holding each for 30 seconds: Hamstring Stretch, Quad Stretch, Shoulder Stretch, Tricep Stretch
  3. Deep Breathing exercises for 2-3 minutes