Workout of the day

Hey team! Today’s WOD is a quick but intense core workout that will set your abs on fire. This Tabata-style workout, aptly named ‘Tabata Core Blaster,’ focuses on engaging your midsection through rapid, repeated sit-ups with short rest intervals for a solid burn. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced athlete, we have scale options to ensure everyone gets a great session. Let’s get after it!

The workout of the day consists of:

  • 8 Rounds:
  • 20 seconds of Abmat Sit-Ups
  • 10 seconds of Rest


  1. Beginners can reduce the rounds to 4 instead of 8.
  2. Instead of Abmat Sit-Ups, beginners can do Crunches for easier scaling.
  3. Intermediaries can aim for 6 rounds if 8 rounds are too tough.
  4. Advanced athletes can add weight to their sit-ups by holding a plate (5lbs/2.5kgs, 10lbs/5kgs).

No equipment

  1. If an Abmat is not available, athletes can use a folded towel under the lower back for support.
  2. Instead of a Plate for weighted sit-ups, athletes at home can use a heavy book or a filled backpack.


5-minute Jog or Jump Rope Dynamic Stretches:

  • Arm Circles (20 seconds each direction)
  • Hip Circles (20 seconds each side)
  • Leg Swings (20 seconds each leg) Core Activation:
  • 30-second Plank
  • 10 Scapular Push-Ups
  • 20-second Hollow Hold


Gentle 5-minute walk or light jog Stretching:

  • Cobra Pose (30 seconds)
  • Child’s Pose (30 seconds)
  • Seated Forward Fold (30 seconds)
  • Hip Flexor Stretch (30 seconds each side)