Workout of the day

Get ready for the Saturday Slam, a fun and challenging workout designed to test your endurance and strength. You’ll be powering through two rounds of varied exercises that will keep your heart rate up and muscles working! Let’s make the most of the weekend!

The workout of the day consists of:

2 rounds for time of:

  • 20 Wall Balls (20 lb/9 kg for men, 14 lb/6 kg for women)
  • 25 Push-Ups
  • 30 Box Jumps (24 inches/60 cm for men, 20 inches/50 cm for women)
  • 40 Air Squats
  • 800 meters Row.


  1. Wall Balls: Use a lighter ball (10/6 lb or 4/3 kg) or perform thrusters with dumbells (15/10 lb or 7/5 kg).
  2. Push-Ups: Perform on knees or with hands elevated on a bench.
  3. Box Jumps: Step-Ups on a lower box (16-20 inches or 40-50 cm).
  4. Row: Reduce distance to 500 meters.

No equipment

  1. Wall Balls: Perform Bodyweight Thrusters or Goblet Squats with a heavy book.
  2. Row: 50 Burpees or run 800 meters.
  3. Box Jumps: Use a sturdy chair or perform squat jumps.


  1. 5 minutes of light jogging or jump rope.
  2. Stretch: Focus on shoulders, hips, and legs.
  3. 3 rounds of: 5 inchworms, 10 lunges (5 each leg), and 15 arm circles (both directions).


  1. 5 minutes of walking and deep breathing.
  2. Stretch: Hamstrings, quads, calves, chest, and shoulders.
  3. Foam rolling for 5 minutes focusing on legs and upper back.