Workout of the day

Welcome to the ‘Hump Day Hustle’! This workout is designed to challenge your endurance, strength, and grit. With a mix of running, hang clean and jerks, and strict pull-ups, you’re in for a well-rounded, full-body workout. Let’s get moving and crush those mid-week blues!

The workout of the day consists of:

5 rounds for time of:

  • 300 meters Run
  • 10 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks (45 lb / 20 kg, 27 lb / 12 kg )
  • 15 Strict Pull-Ups


  1. For athletes who can’t perform strict pull-ups, substitute with: a. Banded Pull-Ups b. Jumping Pull-Ups c. Ring Rows

  2. For athletes who find the dumbbell weight too heavy, use a lighter weight for Hang Clean and Jerks: a. 35 lb (15 kg) or 20 lb (9 kg) dumbbells

  3. For the run, if 300 meters is too much, scale to 200 meters or 150 meters.

No equipment

  1. Running: Substitute with 1 minute of high knees or 1 minute of mountain climbers
  2. Dumbbells: Use household items like a backpack filled with books or water bottles for Hang Clean and Jerks
  3. Pull-Up Bar: Substitute with Bent-Over Rows using a backpack or suitcase filled with heavy items


  1. 5 minutes of easy jogging or jump rope
  2. Dynamic Stretching (Hip Circles, Arm Swings, Leg Swings)
  3. 2 rounds of 10 Air Squats, 10 Push-Ups, 10 Ring Rows or Bent Over Rows


  1. 2 minutes of walking or easy jogging
  2. Static Stretching (Hamstrings, Shoulders, Lats, Quads)
  3. 5 minutes of foam rolling or light stretching