Workout of the day

Today’s WOD will fire up your engines and get your heart racing! Touch and Go is is all about pushing your limits and building strength and endurance. Get ready to lift, stretch, and run towards your goals. Let’s smash this workout together!

The workout of the day consists of:

3 rounds for time of:

  • 32 Deadlifts @ 185 lb (84 kg)
  • 32 Hanging Hip Touches
  • 800 meters Run



  • Beginners can reduce the weight to 135 lb (61 kg) or use kettlebells.
  • Intermediates can use 155 lb (70 kg).

Hanging Hip Touches:

  • Beginners can do hanging knee raises instead.
  • Intermediates can do toes-to-bar.


  • Beginners can reduce the distance to 400 meters.
  • Intermediates can keep it at 600 meters.

No equipment


  • Use a pair of heavy backpacks or water jugs if no barbells are available.
  • Perform single-leg deadlifts with body weight.

Hanging Hip Touches:

  • Do lying leg raises or seated leg lifts if no pull-up bar is available.


  • Substitute with high knees or jumping jacks for the equivalent time (approximately 4 minutes for 800 meters).


  1. 5 minutes of light jogging or jump rope
  2. Dynamic stretches: leg swings, arm circles, high knees, and butt kicks (2 minutes)
  3. Specific warm-up:
    • 2 rounds of 10 empty bar deadlifts, 5 hanging knee raises, 200m run


  1. 5-10 minutes of slow jogging or walking
  2. Stretching:
    • Hamstring stretch (1 minute per side)
    • Hip flexor stretch (1 minute per side)
    • Shoulder stretch (1 minute per side)
    • Calf stretch (1 minute per side)