Workout of the day

Time to crush it! Monday Madness is here, and we’re kicking off the week strong. Push through those 50 reps like a machine—stay focused, stay hungry, and remember: you’re stronger than you think. Let’s get it done!

The workout of the day consists of:

For time:

50 Push-Ups 50 Sit-Ups 50 Mountain Climbers


  1. Push-Ups:
    • Intermediate: Knee Push-Ups
    • Beginner: Incline Push-Ups on a box or bench
  2. Sit-Ups:
    • Intermediate: Crunches (feet on the floor)
    • Beginner: Crunches with feet elevated
  3. Mountain Climbers:
    • Intermediate: Slow down the pace
    • Beginner: Standing march in place

No equipment

  1. Use water bottles, canned goods, or other household items for weight-related movements if necessary.
  2. If no equipment is available at all, replace weighted movements with additional bodyweight movements like more push-ups, air squats or lunges.


  1. Dynamic stretching: arm circles, hip circles, ankle rolls for 5 minutes.
  2. 3 rounds:
    • 10 Air Squats
    • 10 Push-Ups
    • 10 Sit-Ups
    • 20s Plank Hold
  3. Mobility Drills: shoulder dislocates with PVC pipe or broomstick, cat-cow stretches.


  1. Light jog or walk for 3 minutes to bring the heart rate down.
  2. Static stretching:
    • Hamstring Stretch (30s each side)
    • Shoulder Stretch (30s each side)
    • Cobra Pose (30s)
    • Child’s Pose (30s)