Workout of the day

Get ready to push your limits in today’s ‘Weighted Wednesday Madness’! We’ve got an intense WOD that will test your strength and agility, featuring Kettlebell Snatches and Double Unders. Let’s get after it!

The workout of the day consists of:

6 rounds for time of:

  • 10 Double Kettlebell Snatches (1.5 pood/1 pood, 24 kg/16 kg)
  • 66 Double Unders


  1. Kettlebell Snatches: Use 12kg/8kg (26lbs/17lbs) kettlebells instead.
  2. Single Unders: Perform 132 Single Unders if Double Unders aren’t achievable.

No equipment

  1. For Kettlebell Snatches: Use household items like filled backpacks or use Dumbbell Snatches (35lbs/25lbs, 16kg/11kg)
  2. For Double Unders: Perform Tuck Jumps or Lateral Jumps over an invisible line.


3 rounds of:

  • 200m Run or 1 minute High Knees
  • 10 Shoulder Pass-Throughs
  • 10 Air Squats
  • 5 Inch Worm Walk-Outs


  • 1 minute Child’s Pose
  • 1 minute Thread the Needle (each side)
  • 1 minute Standing Forward Fold
  • 1 minute Seated Hamstring Stretch (each side)