Workout of the day

Get ready to crush your weekend with the “Saturday Slam” WOD! We’ve got a mix of cleans, jerks, burpees, and more to keep you on your toes and get that heart rate soaring. Modify as needed and let’s finish strong!

The workout of the day consists of:

For Time:

  1. 20 Clean and Jerk (95 lb / 45 kg, 75 lb / 34 kg)
  2. 30 Bar-Facing Burpees
  3. 20 Strict Pull-Ups
  4. 30 Back Squats (95 lb / 45 kg, 75 lb / 34 kg)
  5. 400m Run


  1. Clean and Jerk: Reduce weight (75 lb / 34 kg or 45 lb / 20 kg)
  2. Strict Pull-Ups: Banded Pull-Ups or Jumping Pull-Ups
  3. Bar-Facing Burpees: Regular Burpees or Step-Over Burpees
  4. Back Squats: Reduce weight (75 lb / 34 kg or 45 lb / 20 kg)
  5. 400m Run: Reduce distance to 200m or 100m Run/Walk intervals

No equipment

  1. Clean and Jerk: Dumbbell/Kettlebell Clean and Jerk or Odd-Object Clean and Jerk (such as a backpack)
  2. Strict Pull-Ups: Bent-Over Rows with Dumbbells/Kettlebells or use a sturdy table/bar for Inverted Rows
  3. Bar-Facing Burpees: Regular Burpees
  4. Back Squats: Goblet Squats with Dumbbell/Kettlebell or Odd-Object Squats (such as a backpack)
  5. 400m Run: High Knees in Place or use a Jump Rope


  1. 400m Easy Jog
  2. 10 Arm Circles Forward/Backward
  3. 10 Leg Swings Front/Back per leg
  4. 10 Bodyweight Squats
  5. 10 Push-Ups
  6. 5 Inch Worms with a Push-Up


  1. 5-Minute Walk or Easy Jog
  2. 1-Minute Quad Stretch per leg
  3. 1-Minute Hamstring Stretch per leg
  4. 1-Minute Shoulder Stretch per arm
  5. 1-Minute Lat Stretch per arm
  6. 1-Minute Calf Stretch per leg