Workout of the day

Alright, it’s time to dig deep and push your limits! You’ve got 12 minutes to see how many rounds you can crush. Stay focused and keep moving with good form. Start strong with kettlebell snatches to get your heart rate up, then hit those legs hard with dumbbell box step-ups. Next, power through the deadlifts, feeling every muscle in your posterior chain firing up. Finish each round with weighted sit-ups to work that core. Pace yourself, breathe, and let’s see how many rounds you can knock out. Ready, set, go!

The workout of the day consists of:

Complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 12 minutes of:

10 Kettlebell Snatches

  • 35 lb (16 kg)
  • 20 lb (9 kg)

10 Dumbbell Box Step-ups

  • 45 lb (20 kg)
  • 25 lb (11 kg)

10 Deadlifts

  • 135 lb (61 kg)
  • 75 lb (34 kg)

10 Weighted Sit-Ups

  • 25 lb (11 kg)
  • 15 lb (7 kg)


  1. Kettlebell Snatches: Use a lighter weight or perform single-arm kettlebell swings.
  2. Dumbbell Box Step-ups: Use a lower box or step and lighter dumbbells.
  3. Deadlifts: Use a lighter weight or perform sumo deadlifts.
  4. Weighted Sit-Ups: Perform unweighted sit-ups or crunches.

No equipment

  1. Kettlebell Snatches: Use a heavy backpack or perform jump squats.
  2. Dumbbell Box Step-ups: Use a sturdy chair or perform lunges.
  3. Deadlifts: Use a loaded backpack or perform glute bridges.
  4. Weighted Sit-Ups: Perform regular sit-ups or use a heavy book.


  1. 5 minutes of light jogging or jump rope.
  2. Dynamic Stretching (10 reps each): Arm Circles, Leg Swings, Hip Circles.
  3. 2 Rounds of: 5 Kettlebell Swings (light), 5 Box Step-ups (body weight), 5 Deadlifts (light), 5 Sit-Ups (unweighted).


  1. 5 minutes of light walking.
  2. Static Stretching (20-30 seconds each): Hamstring Stretch, Hip Flexor Stretch, Child’s Pose, Overhead Tricep Stretch.