Workout of the day

Get ready for Way-to-Go Wednesday! Today’s WOD is a challenging yet scalable triplet designed to test your endurance, strength, and explosive power. We’ll be alternating between cardio, strength, and plyometric movements to keep your body guessing and your heart rate elevated. Don’t worry if you’re new or if you don’t have the exact equipment – there are plenty of options to make sure everyone gets a killer workout!

The workout of the day consists of:

3 Rounds for Time:

  • 500 meters Row
  • 12 Deadlifts (135 lb / 61 kg)
  • 12 Box Jumps (24-inch box/ 60 cm)


  1. Rowing: substitute 400 meter run or 500 meter bike if rowing machine isn’t available.
  2. Deadlifts: scale to 95 lb / 43 kg for beginners. Intermediate athletes can use 115 lb / 52 kg.
  3. Box Jumps: scale to step-ups on a 20-inch box for beginners and those concerned about impact.

No equipment

For those without equipment:

  1. Instead of rowing: perform 2 minutes of burpees.
  2. Instead of deadlifts: perform 12 Glute Bridges.
  3. Instead of box jumps: perform 12 Tuck Jumps.


  1. 5-minutes easy jog or brisk walk
  2. Dynamic stretches:
    • Hamstring sweeps x 10 each leg
    • Walking lunges x 10 each leg
    • Hip circles x 10 each direction
  3. 3 Rounds:
    • 10 Air Squats
    • 5 Push-ups
    • 10 kipping swings or scapular pulls
  4. 500m Row (moderate pace)


  1. 5 minutes easy row or jog
  2. Static stretching:
    • Hamstring stretch x 30 seconds each side
    • Hip flexor stretch x 30 seconds each side
    • Child’s Pose x 1 minute
    • Pigeon Pose x 1 minute each side
  3. Deep breathing drills: 5 minutes of deep inhale/exhale