Workout of the day

Get ready for a power-packed Sunday with our “Sunday Snatch and Row” workout! We’re cranking up the intensity with a challenging AMRAP that will test your strength, stamina, and agility. This workout is all about pushing your limits and making every minute count. So, grab your gear, set your timer, and let’s crush this!

The workout of the day consists of:

Complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 12 minutes of:

  • 9 Bent Over Barbell Row (105 lbs / 65 lbs - 48 kg / 30 kg)
  • 6 Kettlebell Snatches (3 each arm, 1.5 pood / 1 pood - 24 kg / 16 kg)
  • 9 Burpees


  1. For Beginners:
    • Barbell Row: 30-40 lbs / 15-20 kg
    • Kettlebell Snatch: 0.5-1 pood / 8-12 kg
    • Burpees: Step back Burpees
  2. For Intermediates:
    • Barbell Row: 65 lbs / 30 kg
    • Kettlebell Snatch: 1 pood / 16 kg
    • Burpees: Regular Burpees

No equipment

  1. No Barbell:
    • Use a backpack filled with books or water bottles for Bent Over Rows
  2. No Kettlebell:
    • Use a dumbbell for Dumbbell Snatches, or a backpack filled with books
  3. No Equipment at all:
    • 9 Backpack or Bodyweight Rows
    • 6 Backpack Snatch or Pike Shoulder Taps
    • 9 Burpees


  1. 3-Minute Easy Jog or Jump Rope
  2. Stretch:
    • Arm Circles (1 min)
    • Shoulder Stretch (1 min)
    • Leg Swings (1 min)
  3. Dynamic Movements:
    • 10 Air Squats
    • 10 Push-Ups
    • 10 Kettlebell Swings (light)


  1. Stretch:
    • Forward Fold (1 min)
    • Child’s Pose (1 min)
    • Pigeon Pose (1 min per side)
  2. Slow Walk (2-3 mins)