Workout of the day

Get ready to crush it with the Tuesday Titan Tamer WOD! This power-packed routine is designed to test your strength, coordination, and endurance. Remember to keep pushing through those challenging rounds and modify as needed to keep moving strong. Let’s get after it!

The workout of the day consists of:

3 rounds for time of:

  • 25 Wall Balls (20 lb / 14 lb or 9 kg / 6 kg)
  • 20 Box Jump Overs (24 inches / 20 inches or 60 cm / 50 cm)
  • 15 Toes-to-bar
  • 10 Push Jerks (135 lb / 95 lb or 61 kg / 43 kg)
  • 5 Ground-to-shoulder Sandbag Over (100 lb / 60 lb or 45 kg / 27 kg)


  1. Wall Balls: Reduce weight to 14 lb / 10 lb (6 kg / 4.5 kg)
  2. Box Jump Overs: Use a shorter box or perform step-overs instead
  3. Toes-to-bar: Substitute with hanging knee raises
  4. Push Jerks: Reduce weight to 95 lb / 65 lb (43 kg / 29 kg)
  5. Ground-to-shoulder Sandbag Over: Reduce weight to 60 lb / 40 lb (27 kg / 18 kg)

No equipment

  1. Wall Balls: Perform air squats with a jump at the top
  2. Box Jump Overs: Use sturdy household items like a bench or staircase for step-ups
  3. Toes-to-bar: Perform V-ups or sit-ups
  4. Push Jerks: Use household items like a filled backpack for overhead presses
  5. Ground-to-shoulder Sandbag Over: Use a heavy backpack for ground-to-shoulder lifts


  1. 5 minutes of light cardio (jogging, rowing, or jump rope)
  2. Dynamic stretches:
    • Arm circles (1 minute each direction)
    • Leg swings (1 minute each leg)
    • Hip circles (1 minute each direction)
  3. 3 rounds of:
    • 10 PVC pipe pass-throughs
    • 10 air squats
    • 10 box step-ups (alternating legs)


  1. 5 minutes of light cardio (walking or slow biking)
  2. Static stretches:
    • Hamstring stretch (1 minute each leg)
    • Quad stretch (1 minute each leg)
    • Shoulder stretch (1 minute each arm)
    • Standing calf stretch (1 minute each leg)
    • Chest stretch (1 minute)