Workout of the day

Welcome to Farmers Monday! This workout is designed to kickstart your week with a powerful blend of strength and endurance challenges. Embrace the grind and focus on maintaining solid form throughout each round. Let’s make this Monday count!

The workout of the day consists of:

5 rounds for time of:

  • 30 meters Farmer’s Walk: 135 lb (61 kg) / 70 lb (32 kg)
  • 10 Push Jerks: 135 lb (61 kg) / 75 lb (34 kg)
  • 10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches: 50 lb (23 kg) / 25 lb (11 kg)
  • 400 meters Run


Scaling For Beginners:

  • Farmer’s Walk: 60 lb (27 kg) / 35 lb (16 kg)
  • Push Jerks: 75 lb (34 kg) / 45 lb (20 kg)
  • Alternating Dumbbell Snatches: 30 lb (14 kg) / 15 lb (7 kg)
  • 200 meters Run Scaling For Intermediate:
  • Farmer’s Walk: 90 lb (41 kg) / 50 lb (23 kg)
  • Push Jerks: 95 lb (43 kg) / 55 lb (25 kg)
  • Alternating Dumbbell Snatches: 40 lb (18 kg) / 20 lb (9 kg)
  • 300 meters Run

No equipment

  • Farmer’s Walk: Use heavy household items like milk jugs, buckets filled with water, or bags of rice.
  • Push Jerks: Perform Handstand Push-Ups against a wall or Pike Push-Ups if Handstand Push-Ups are too challenging.
  • Dumbbell Snatches: Use any manageable household object with a handle, like a backpack filled with books or a heavy water bottle.
  • 400 meters Run: Substitute with 2 minutes of High Knees in place.


  1. 5 minutes of light jogging or jump rope to get the blood flowing.
  2. Dynamic Stretching:
  • Arm Circles: 10 forward and 10 backward
  • Leg Swings: 10 forward and 10 sideways each leg
  • Hip Circles: 10 each direction
  1. 3 Rounds of:
  • 5 Inch Worms
  • 10 Air Squats
  • 10 Shoulder Taps
  • 5 Push-ups


  1. 5 minutes of light jogging or walking to bring heart rate down.
  2. Static Stretching:
  • Hamstring Stretch: 30 seconds each leg
  • Quadriceps Stretch: 30 seconds each leg
  • Shoulder Stretch: 30 seconds each arm
  • Seated Forward Bend: 1 minute
  1. Deep Breathing Exercises:
  • 3 minutes of deep, controlled breathing through the nose, filling the diaphragm and slowly exhaling through the mouth.