Workout of the day

Let’s crank up the intensity with Climber’s Grind! This workout will test your full-body strength, core stability, and endurance. Perfect for all levels with easy scale options and alternatives for those training at home.

The workout of the day consists of:

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes (AMRAP):

  • 10 Dumbbell Power Snatches (50 lb / 22.5 kg, 35 lb / 16 kg)
  • 12 V-Ups
  • 3 Wall Climbs


  1. Dumbbell Power Snatch: Scale the weight to 35 lb (15.8 kg) or 20 lb (9 kg).
  2. V-Ups: Scale to Bent-Knee V-Ups or regular Sit-Ups.
  3. Wall Climbs: Scale to Handstand Holds or Shoulder Taps.

No equipment

  1. Dumbbell Power Snatch: Use a filled backpack or do Single-Arm Bodyweight Snatches.
  2. V-Ups: No equipment needed, normal Sit-Ups or Tuck-Ups work fine.
  3. Wall Climbs: Do Handstand Holds against a sturdy door or wall. Alternatively, perform Pike Push-ups or Elevated Shoulder Taps.


  1. 400m Jog or 2 mins High Knees in place
  2. 10 Arm Circles forwards and backwards
  3. 10 Bodyweight Squats
  4. 5 Inch Worms with a Push-Up
  5. 5 Scapular Push-Ups


  1. 400m Walk or 2 mins March in place
  2. 5 Deep Breaths in Child’s Pose
  3. 30 secs per side Pigeon Pose
  4. 30 secs per side Shoulder Stretch against the wall
  5. 10 Deep breaths in Forward Fold