Workout of the day

Get ready to crank up the intensity with Full Throttle Friday! This workout will test your endurance, strength, and core stability with a mix of double unders, squat cleans, abmat sit-ups, and kettlebell swings. Let’s hit it hard and finish strong!

The workout of the day consists of:

For time:

  1. 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
  2. 10-10-10-10-10 Squat Cleans
    • 5x @ 115 lb (52 kg)
    • 5x @ 85 lb (39 kg)
  3. 10-20-30-40-50 Abmat Sit-ups
  4. 10-20-30-40-50 Kettlebell Swings (1.5 pood/1 pood)


  1. Double Unders -> Single Unders
  2. Squat Cleans -> 8-8-8-8-8 reps if weight is challenging
  3. Kettlebell Swings -> Reduce weight to 18 lb (8 kg) or 36 lb (16 kg)
  4. Abmat Sit-ups -> Partial range of motion or crunches if full range is too difficult

No equipment

  1. Double Unders -> High Knees if no jump rope available
  2. Squat Cleans -> Use household items such as a backpack filled with books or water jugs
  3. Kettlebell Swings -> Use a heavy backpack or do Russian Twists
  4. Abmat Sit-ups -> Tuck-ups or leg raises if no abmat available


  1. 400m light jog or 2 minutes of jumping jacks
  2. 3 sets of:
    • 10 air squats
    • 10 PVC pass-throughs
    • 10 walking lunges
  3. Stretching:
    • 30 seconds hamstring stretch
    • 30 seconds calf stretch
    • 30 seconds shoulder stretch


  1. Slow 400m walk or light jogging, allowing heart rate to come down
  2. Stretching:
    • 1 minute of child’s pose
    • 1 minute of pigeon pose (each side)
    • 1 minute of seated hamstring stretch