Workout of the day
Ready to power up your Sunday? Welcome to the ‘Sunday Shredder: Press Power!’ workout designed to max out your shoulder strength and boost your endurance with a mix of strength and high-intensity training. Let’s get started and crush today’s WOD!
The workout of the day consists of:
- Shoulder Press
- 3 sets of 5 reps at 122 lbs (55 kg)
- Push Press
- 3 sets of 5 reps at 111 lbs (50 kg)
- Push Jerks
- 3 sets of 5 reps at 100 lbs (45 kg)
AMRAP (12 mins)
- 10 Shoulder to Overhead (60 lbs / 27 kg)
- 15 Box jumps (24/20 inches)
- 20 Sit-ups
For time:
- 15-12-9 of:
- Deadlifts (135 lbs / 61 kg)
- Toes-to-bar
- Shoulder Press: Use a lighter weight if needed.
- Push Press: Use a lighter weight if needed.
- Push Jerks: Use a lighter weight if needed.
- Box Jumps: Step-ups can be used as an alternative.
- Deadlifts: Use a lighter weight or substitute with kettlebell deadlifts.
- Toes-to-bar: Perform knee raises or leg raises as an alternative.
No equipment
- Shoulder Press: Use household items like water jugs or perform pike push-ups.
- Push Press: Use household items like water jugs or perform push-ups.
- Push Jerks: Use household items like water jugs or perform jump squats.
- Box jumps: Use a sturdy chair or perform step-ups on stairs.
- Deadlifts: Use a duffle bag filled with books or perform single-leg Romanian deadlifts.
- Toes-to-bar: Perform hollow body holds or V-ups.
- 5 minutes of light cardio (jog, jump rope)
- 10 Arm Circles (forward and backward)
- 10 Shoulder Pass-Throughs with PVC or broomstick
- 10 Scapular Push-Ups
- 10 PVC Overhead Squats
- Shoulder Stretch (30 seconds each side)
- Triceps Stretch (30 seconds each side)
- Cat-Cow Pose (1 minute)
- Child’s Pose (1 minute)
- Seated Forward Bend (1 minute)