Workout of the day

Today’s WOD, appropriately named Speedy Saturday Slam, is designed to challenge your cardiovascular and muscular endurance. With eight rounds of sprints, kettlebell swings, and strict pull-ups, your entire body will be engaged and pushed to its limits. Let’s get moving!

The workout of the day consists of:

8 Rounds for Time:

  • 100 meters Sprint
  • 8 Kettlebell Swings @ 70 LB (32 KG)
  • 5 Strict Pull-Ups


  1. Kettlebell Swings: Use 53 LB (24 KG) or 35 LB (16 KG) kettlebell or dumbbell
  2. Strict Pull-Ups: Banded pull-ups or ring rows
  3. Sprint: Reduce the distance to 50 meters if needed

No equipment

  1. Kettlebell Swings: Perform Russian twists or use household items like a loaded backpack
  2. Strict Pull-Ups: Substitute with inverted rows using a sturdy table or do bent-over rows with a loaded backpack
  3. Sprint: High knees in place for 30 seconds


  1. 3 minutes of light jogging or dynamic stretches
  2. 2 sets of 10 air squats
  3. 2 sets of 10 kettlebell deadlifts (light weight)
  4. 2 sets of 5 pull-up negatives or ring rows
  5. 1-minute high knees
  6. 1-minute butt kicks
  7. 30 seconds of arm circles forward and backward
  8. 5 dynamic leg swings per leg


  1. 3 minutes of slow walking to lower heart rate
  2. 2 minutes of standing quad stretch (1 minute per leg)
  3. 2 minutes of seated hamstring stretch (1 minute per leg)
  4. 2 minutes of child’s pose for the back and shoulders
  5. 2 minutes of shoulder stretches – thread the needle (1 minute per side)
  6. Easy wrist and forearm stretches for 2 minutes