Workout of the day

Brace yourself for an electrifying workout that’s going to test your stamina, strength, and explosiveness. We’re diving into a killer circuit that has everything from heavy lifts to high jumps. Let’s do this!

The workout of the day consists of:

5 rounds for time of:

  • 20 Wall Balls (20 lb / 9 kg)
  • 20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75 lb / 34 kg)
  • 20 Box Jumps (20 inches / 50 cm)
  • 20 Push Presses (75 lb / 34 kg)
  • 20 calories Row
  • 60 seconds Rest


Scale the workout as follows:

  1. Wall Balls: Use a 14 lb (6 kg) medicine ball
  2. Sumo Deadlift High Pull: Decrease weight to 55 lb (25 kg)
  3. Box Jumps: Perform step-ups or reduce the height to 16 inches (40 cm)
  4. Push Press: Decrease weight to 55 lb (25 kg)
  5. Rowing: Decrease to 15 calories

Rest intervals can be extended to 90 seconds if necessary.

No equipment

For those without equipment, here are the alternatives:

  1. Wall Balls: Air Squats (20 reps)
  2. Sumo Deadlift High Pull: Backpack Deadlifts (20 reps using a filled backpack)
  3. Box Jumps: Tuck Jumps (20 reps)
  4. Push Press: Pike Push-Ups (20 reps)
  5. Row: Mountain Climbers (60 seconds)


5 minutes of light cardio (jogging, rowing, or jump rope)

Dynamic Stretching:

  • Arm Circles (2x30 seconds)
  • Leg Swings (2x30 seconds per leg)
  • Hip Circles (2x20 seconds each direction)

Mobility Drills:

  • Shoulder Pass-Throughs with PVC (3x10 reps)
  • Deep Squat Hold (2 minutes)
  • Samson Stretch (2x30 seconds per side)


3 minutes of slow, deep breathing while lying in a supine position


  • Hamstring Stretch (90 seconds per side)
  • Chest Opening Stretch (90 seconds)
  • Child’s Pose (2 minutes)
  • Quadriceps Stretch (90 seconds per side)