Workout of the day

Get ready to crush Warrior Wednesday with this intense AMRAP! Test your body’s strength and endurance as you push through strict muscle-ups, lunges, ball slams, and sit-ups. Scale the movements to match your fitness level and let’s see how many rounds you can complete!

The workout of the day consists of:

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:

  • 2 Strict Muscle-ups
  • 10 Walking Lunges (5 each leg)
  • 10 Ball Slams (20 lb / 9 kg or 14 lb / 6 kg)
  • 20 Sit-Ups


  1. Muscle-up Scaling:
    • Perform Jumping Muscle-ups or
    • Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups and Dips (2 each)
  2. Walking Lunge Scaling:
    • Perform stationary lunges if space is limited
  3. Ball Slam Scaling:
    • Reduce weight to 10 lb / 4.5 kg if necessary

No equipment

  1. Muscle-ups: Perform Strict Pull-Ups or Dips on sturdy chairs.
  2. Walking Lunges: Perform Reverse Lunges.
  3. Ball Slams: Substitute with Ground-to-Overhead using a heavy backpack or similar.
  4. Sit-ups: Perform Crunches or Flutter Kicks if Sit-ups are too difficult.


  1. 5 minutes of light cardio (jogging, rowing, or jumping jacks)
  2. Dynamic Stretching:
    • Arm Circles: 20 seconds each direction
    • Leg Swings: 10 each leg
    • Hip Circles: 20 seconds each direction
  3. Specific Warm-Up:
    • 3-5 Assisted Muscle-ups or 5 Pull-ups/5 Dips
    • 10 Walking Lunges (no weights)
    • 10 Medicine Ball Slams with light weight
    • 10 Sit-ups


  1. 2 min slow walk or light movement to bring heart rate down.
  2. Static Stretching:
    • Overhead Triceps Stretch: 30 seconds each arm
    • Hamstring Stretch: 30 seconds each leg
    • Shoulder Stretch: 30 seconds each arm
    • Hip Flexor Stretch: 30 seconds each side
  3. Deep Breathing: 5 slow, deep breaths to relax.