Workout of the day

Today’s workout is called “Wednesday Warrior,” and it’s designed to push your limits and challenge your speed, agility, and strength. We have 3 rounds to complete, each focusing on different muscle groups and movements to test your overall fitness! Go team!

The workout of the day consists of:

3 rounds for time of:

  • 100 meters Sprint
  • 50 Walking Lunges
  • 20 meters Handstand Walks
  • 10 Box Jumps (30 inches/76 cm)


  • Sprint: Substitute with 200 meters fast pace run or 100 meters row
  • Walking Lunges: Reduce to 30 Walking Lunges
  • Handstand Walks: Substitute with 40 Shoulder Taps or 20 Wall Walks
  • Box Jumps: Reduce height to 24 inches or perform Step-Ups

No equipment

  • Handstand Walks: Perform Bear Crawls
  • Box Jump: Use a sturdy chair or step
  • Walking Lunges: Perform in place lunges or substitute with high knees


  1. Run 200 meters at a conversational pace
  2. 3 rounds of:
  • 10 Arm Circles (each direction)
  • 10 Leg Swings (each leg)
  • 10 Air Squats
  • 5 Inch Worms
  1. 3 rounds of:
  • 10 Walking Lunges (no weight)
  • 5 Box Jumps (no height)
  • Practice Handstand Holds against the wall (20 seconds)


  1. 400 meter slow jog or walk
  2. Stretching:
  • 1 minute each leg: Standing Quad Stretch
  • 1 minute each leg: Pigeon Pose
  • 1 minute: Chest Stretch against the wall
  • 1 minute each side: Shoulder Stretch
  1. Breathing exercises: 2 minutes deep breathing