Workout of the day

Today’s workout is called “Tuesday Grind,” and it’s designed to push your limits and challenge your strength and endurance. We have 5 rounds to complete, each focusing on different muscle groups and movements to test your overall fitness. Remember, it’s about progress, not perfection. Let’s make every rep count and give our best effort. You’ve got this!

The workout of the day consists of:

5 rounds for time of:

  • 5 Ring Muscle-ups
  • 15 Push-Ups
  • 25 GHD Sit-ups
  • 35 Back Extensions (GHD)


  1. Ring Muscle-ups:

    • Use support bands for assisted ring muscle-ups.
    • Modify to 10 Pull-ups + 10 Dips if muscle-ups are not yet achievable.
  2. Push-Ups:

    • Knee Push-Ups for those unable to perform full push-ups.
    • Elevate hands on a box or bench as another modification.
  3. GHD Sit-ups:

    • Abmat Sit-ups if GHD is not achievable.
    • Reduce reps to 15 or 20 if needed.
  4. Back Extensions (GHD):

    • Supermans on the floor if no GHD machine is available, performing 35 reps.

No equipment

  1. Ring Muscle-ups:

    • Substitute with pull-ups using a home pull-up bar or performing them with a sturdy tree branch.
  2. Push-Ups:

    • Standard push-ups on the floor require no additional equipment.
  3. GHD Sit-ups & Back Extensions:

    • These can be modified into more traditional core exercises such as 25 standard sit-ups and 35 supermans on the floor.


  1. Dynamic Stretching: 5 minutes of dynamic stretching (leg swings, arm circles, and torso twists).
  2. Jump Rope: 3 minutes of jump rope or high knees.
  3. Progressive Bodyweight Exercises:
    • 10 Air Squats
    • 10 Push-Ups
    • 10 Lunges (each leg)
    • 10 Hollow Holds (20 seconds each)
  4. Specific Warm-up (2 rounds):
    • 5 Ring Rows
    • 5 Shoulder Tap Push-Ups
    • 10 GHD Sit-ups
    • 10 Supermans


  1. Static Stretching: 30 seconds for each hold.
    • Hamstring stretch
    • Chest stretch
    • Shoulders stretch
    • Hip flexor stretch
  2. Foam Rolling: Spend 2-3 minutes on each major muscle group (back, hamstrings, quads, and shoulders).
  3. Breathing Exercises: 3 minutes of deep diaphragmatic breathing.