Workout of the day

Are you ready to tackle the Tuesday Takedown? With a mix of pull-ups, cleans, and sprints, this high-intensity interval workout will elevate your heart rate and challenge your muscles. Let’s crush this together and emerge stronger! Keep in mind, there are scale options and home-friendly alternatives to make sure everyone can join in on the fun.

The workout of the day consists of:

4 rounds for time of:

  • 12 Pull-Ups
  • 18 Cleans (135/95 lbs or 61/43 kg)
  • 400 meters Sprint



  • 12 Jumping Pull-Ups or ring rows
  • 18 Cleans (75/55 lbs or 34/25 kg)
  • 400 meters fast walk or 200 meters Sprint


  • 12 Assisted Pull-Ups or Band Pull-Ups
  • 18 Cleans (95/65 lbs or 43/29 kg)
  • 400 meters run

No equipment

  1. Pull-Ups -> Body Rows under a sturdy table or sheet
  2. Cleans -> Odd Object Ground-to-Overhead (like a backpack filled with books)
  3. 400 meters Sprint -> 2 minutes of High Knees or Stair Climbing


  1. 3 minutes of jump rope or light jogging
  2. Dynamic stretches (arm circles, leg swings, and torso twists)
  3. 10 air squats
  4. 10 push-ups
  5. 5 strict pull-ups (or jumping pull-ups if necessary)
  6. 5 light power cleans with an empty barbell or broomstick


  1. 400 meters light jog or walk
  2. Static stretches (hamstrings, quads, shoulders, and back)
  3. 2 minutes of deep breathing or meditation