Workout of the day

Welcome to the Thrashing Thursday Challenge! This is an AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) workout designed to test your endurance and strength. Ready to thrash those muscles and break a sweat? Let’s get into it!

The workout of the day consists of:

This workout is a climbing ladder of pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats. Push your limit, track your rounds and omplete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

  • 10 Pull-Ups

  • 20 Push-Ups

  • 30 Air Squats

  • 15 Pull-Ups

  • 30 Push-Ups

  • 45 Air Squats

  • 20 Pull-Ups

  • 40 Push-Ups

  • 60 Air Squats

  • 25 Pull-Ups

  • 50 Push-Ups

  • 75 Air Squats

  • 30 Pull-Ups

  • 60 Push-Ups

  • 90 Air Squats



  1. Pull-Ups: Substitute with banded pull-ups or ring rows.
  2. Push-Ups: Perform push-ups on your knees or elevate your hands on a box or bench.
  3. Air Squats: Perform to a target (like a bench) if full-depth squats are challenging.

No equipment

  1. Pull-Ups: Perform bent-over rows with a sturdy backpack or a weighted object from home.
  2. Push-Ups: Standard.
  3. Air Squats: Standard.


  1. Dynamic Stretching (5 minutes):
    • 60 seconds of arm circles
    • 60 seconds of leg swings
    • 60 seconds of shoulder pass-throughs
    • 60 seconds of hip circles
  2. General Warm-Up (5 minutes):
    • 2 minutes of jump rope or running in place
    • 2 sets of 10 Samson stretch
    • 2 sets of 10 inchworms with a push-up
  3. Specific Prep (5 minutes):
    • 2 sets of 5 pull-ups or ring rows
    • 2 sets of 10 push-ups
    • 2 sets of 10 air squats


  1. Walk (3-5 minutes):

    • Light walk to bring the heart rate down.
  2. Stretching (5 minutes):

    • 60 seconds of standing quad stretch per leg
    • 60 seconds of standing hamstring stretch per leg
    • 60 seconds of chest opener stretch against the wall
    • 60 seconds of overhead tricep stretch per arm
  3. Breathing Exercise (2 minutes):*

    • Deep breathing to calm the nervous system. Inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4, and exhale for 4.

Take your time to wind down and let your body recover.