Workout of the day

Get ready to crush this workout, team! We’re diving into an epic 16-minute EMOM that’s going to test your limits and elevate your fitness to the next level. Here’s the game plan: every minute on the minute, you’ll tackle 12 ring dips, 12 ring rows, and 10 toes to bar. It’s going to be intense, it’s going to be challenging, and it’s going to be absolutely awesome! Push yourself, keep that form tight, and let’s see just how far we can go. Remember, the faster you finish, the more rest you earn—so give it everything you’ve got! Let’s make this EMOM session unforgettable! Let’s go!

The workout of the day consists of:

Do every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 16 minutes of:

  1. 12 Ring Dips
  2. 12 Ring Rows
  3. 10 Toes to Bar


  1. Ring Dips: Scale to parallel bar dips or box dips.
  2. Ring Rows: Scale by adjusting the angle of your body to make it easier.
  3. Toes to Bar: Scale to hanging knee raises or lying leg raises.

No equipment

  1. Rings: Use sturdy parallel bars or a securely anchored broomstick between two chairs for dips and rows.
  2. Pull-up Bar: Use a secure bar (like a tree branch) or perform lying leg raises on the floor.


  1. 5 minutes of light jogging or jump rope
  2. Dynamic stretches:
    • Arm Circles: 1 minute forward, 1 minute backward
    • Leg Swings: 10 each leg
    • Hip Circles: 1 minute each direction
  3. Mobility drills:
    • Shoulder pass-throughs: 10 reps with PVC pipe or broomstick
    • Scapular pull-ups: 10 reps
  4. Movement prep:
    • 5 Ring Dips
    • 5 Ring Rows
    • 5 Toes to Bar


  1. 3 minutes of walking or slow cycling to bring your heart rate down
  2. Static stretching:
    • Pectoral stretch on a doorway: 1 minute each side
    • Banded shoulder stretch: 1 minute each side
    • Standing forward fold: 2 minutes
    • Seated hamstring stretch: 1 minute each leg
  3. Deep breathing exercises: 3 minutes