Workout of the day

Alright, squad, let’s tackle today’s challenge head-on with this ‘For Time’ burner that’ll leave you feeling unstoppable. We’ll kick things off with a 900-meter run to get those legs warmed up and ready for action. Then, it’s onto 30 Dumbbell Power Snatches, 15 reps on each arm with 35 lbs / 15 kg dumbbells, testing your strength and coordination. Keep that momentum going with a 600-meter run before we shift gears into 30 One-Arm Kettlebell Rows on each arm with a 35 lbs / 15 kg kettlebell, really focusing on that mind-muscle connection. And to finish strong, 30 Dumbbell Push Presses to push through the fatigue and cross that finish line with style. Let’s show this workout who’s boss, team!

The workout of the day consists of:

For time:

  • 900 meters Run
  • 30 Dumbbell Power Snatches (15 each arm; 35 lbs / 15 kg dumbbells)
  • 600 meters Run
  • 30 One-Arm Kettlebell Rows each arm (35 lbs / 15 kg kettlebell)
  • 30 Dumbbell Push Presses (35 lbs / 15 kg dumbbells)



  • Run: Scale to 600m for the first run and 400m for the second run.
  • Dumbbell Power Snatches: Use 15 lbs / 7 kg dumbbells.
  • One-Arm Kettlebell Row: Use 18 lbs / 8 kg kettlebell.
  • Dumbbell Push Press: Use 15 lbs / 7 kg dumbbells.


  • Run: Scale to 800m for the first run and 500m for the second run.
  • Dumbbell Power Snatches: Use 25 lbs / 11 kg dumbbells.
  • One-Arm Kettlebell Row: Use 26 lbs / 12 kg kettlebell.
  • Dumbbell Push Press: Use 25 lbs / 11 kg dumbbells.

No equipment

No Kettlebell/Dumbbells? No Problem!

  • Substitute Dumbbell Power Snatches with Jumping Squats.
  • Substitute One-Arm Kettlebell Row with Bent Over Rows using a heavy backpack.
  • Substitute Dumbbell Push Press with Handstand Push-Ups against a wall or Pike Push-Ups.


  1. 400m Jog or 2 mins of single unders.
  2. Dynamic Stretching Series (5 mins total)
    • Arm Circles (20 seconds forward, 20 seconds backward)
    • Leg Swings (10 reps each leg)
    • Trunk Twists (20 reps)
    • Inchworms (5 reps)
    • Spiderman Stretch (5 reps each side)
  3. Skill Work (5 mins)
    • 5-7 reps each of light Dumbbell Power Snatches, Kettlebell Rows, and Dumbbell Push Presses (use half the weights you plan to use in the WOD)


  1. 200m Walk to lower heart rate
  2. Static Stretching Series (5 mins total)
    • Standing Forward Bend (30 seconds)
    • Quad Stretch (30 seconds each leg)
    • Shoulder Stretch (30 seconds each arm)
    • Pigeon Pose (30 seconds each leg)
    • Seated Forward Bend (30 seconds)