Workout of the day

Alright team, get ready to ignite those muscles and push your limits! Today’s workout is all about intensity and endurance. We’re diving into AMRAP in 10 minutes of some dynamic kettlebell action. Let’s break it down:

2 Double Kettlebell Snatches: With 1 pood (36 lbs / 16 kg) in each hand, explode upward, driving those kettlebells overhead with power and precision. It’s all about that explosive hip drive and seamless transition.

4 Overhead Squats: Holding those same kettlebells steady overhead, drop into a deep squat with control and stability. Keep that core engaged and those heels planted firmly as you rise back up.

6 Jerks: Finish strong with 1 pood (36 lbs / 16 kg) in each hand, driving those kettlebells overhead with speed and determination. Focus on your breathing, stay tight, and push through each rep with everything you’ve got.

This workout is all about relentless effort and pushing past your limits. Pace yourself, but keep that intensity high. Every rep counts, every movement matters. So dig deep, stay focused, and let’s see how many rounds you can conquer in these 10 minutes. You’ve got this! Let’s crush it!

The workout of the day consists of:

Complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 10 minutes of:

  • 2 Double kettlebell snatches (1 pood / 36 lbs / 16 kg each)
  • 4 Overhead squats (1 pood / 36 lbs / 16 kg each)
  • 6 Jerks (1 pood / 36 lbs / 16 kg each)

This tweak provides a slight increase in reps for a more challenging and rewarding experience.


For beginners: Reduce the kettlebell weight to 0.5 pood (18 lbs / 8 kg) each and/or reduce the duration to 5 minutes. For intermediates: Keep the weight at 1 pood (36 lbs / 16 kg) or scale up if you’re comfortable, and stick to the 10-minute duration.

No equipment

If you don’t have kettlebells:

  • Substitute double kettlebell snatches with dumbbell snatches.
  • Substitute overhead squats with a single dumbbell or even a heavy backpack.
  • Substitute jerks with push presses using any weighted object like a dumbbell, a backpack, or a bag filled with books.


5 minutes of light cardio (jogging, rowing, or jumping rope) Dynamic stretching:

  • Arm circles (10 forward, 10 backward)
  • Leg swings (10 each leg, forward and sideways)
  • Hip circles (10 each direction)
  • 10 Air squats
  • 10 PVC pipe pass-throughs
  • 10 PVC pipe overhead squats


3-5 minutes of light cardio (walk, slow row, or slow bike) Static stretching:

  • Forward fold (1 minute)
  • Pigeon pose on each leg (1 minute per leg)
  • Shoulder stretch across the body (1 minute per arm)
  • Triceps stretch (1 minute per arm)