Workout of the day

Get ready to crush this explosive workout that’ll build strength, power, and endurance! We’re dialing up the intensity with some heavy clean and jerks followed by a high-octane AMRAP. Let’s light it up!

The workout of the day consists of:

For Strength:

  • 5-5-5-5 Clean and Jerk Followed by:
  • 10 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible):
  • 10 Thrusters (95/65 lbs or 43/29 kg)
  • 15 Pull-Ups
  • 20 Box Jumps (24/20 inches or 61/51 cm)


  1. Clean and Jerk:
    • Beginners: Use a lighter weight or a PVC pipe to practice form
    • Intermediate: Use moderate weight to match your capacity
  2. Thrusters:
    • Beginners: Use a PVC pipe or empty barbell
    • Intermediate: Use lighter weights or perform goblet squats
  3. Pull-Ups:
    • Beginners: Use a band for assistance or perform ring rows
    • Intermediate: Perform jumping pull-ups
  4. Box Jumps:
    • Beginners: Step up instead of jumping or use a lower box
    • Intermediate: Use a lower box or perform step-ups

No equipment

  1. Clean and Jerk: Perform bodyweight squats and push-ups (10 each to replace one set)
  2. Thrusters: Use a loaded backpack or perform air squats
  3. Pull-Ups: Use a sturdy horizontal surface for body rows or perform inverted rows on a table
  4. Box Jumps: Perform tuck jumps or jump squats


  1. 5 minutes light cardio (jogging or cycling)
  2. Dynamic Stretching: leg swings, arm circles, trunk twists
  3. 10 PVC Pipe Pass-Throughs
  4. 10 PVC Pipe Overhead Squats
  5. 5 Inch Worms with a Push-Up


  1. 5 minutes light jogging or walking
  2. Static Stretching:
    • Hamstring stretch (30 seconds each leg)
    • Hip flexor stretch (30 seconds each leg)
    • Lat stretch (30 seconds per side)
    • Tricep stretch (30 seconds per side)