Workout of the day

Welcome to the “Sharp Thursday Grind,” where we sharpen our bodies and minds with a relentless workout challenge. Today’s lineup is designed to sculpt your strength and test your endurance. Push yourself through 100 push-ups, 40 sit-ups, 30 box jumps (at a challenging 30 inches or 80 cm height), 20 more push-ups, 10 L-sit pull-ups, and cap it off with 100 burpees—all against the clock. Embrace the grind, sharpen your focus, and let’s conquer this challenge together!

The workout of the day consists of:

For time:

  1. 100 Push-Ups
  2. 40 Sit-Ups
  3. 30 Box Jumps (30 inches / 80 cm)
  4. 20 Push-Ups
  5. 10 L-Sit Pull-Ups
  6. 100 Burpees


  1. Push-Ups: Scale to knee push-ups or incline push-ups.
  2. Box Jumps: Scale to step-ups to a safe height.
  3. L-Sit Pull-Ups: Scale to knee-tucked pull-ups or regular pull-ups.
  4. Burpees: Scale to step-back burpees.

No equipment

  1. Push-Ups: Use a sturdy elevated surface like a table or chair for incline push-ups.
  2. Box Jumps: Use sturdy household items like a step stool or a low chair for step-ups.
  3. Pull-Ups: Substitute with inverted rows using a sturdy table or TRX bands.


  1. 400m Run or 2 minutes of jumping jacks
  2. 2 Rounds of the following:
  • 10 Arm Circles (forward and backward)
  • 10 Leg Swings (each leg)
  • 10 Air Squats
  1. 3 Rounds of the following:
  • 5 Inchworms to Push-Up
  • 5 Hollow Rocks
  • 5 Box Step-Ups


  1. 400m slow jog or walk
  2. Stretching:
  • 1 minute shoulder stretch (each side)
  • 1 minute seated forward fold
  • 1 minute pigeon pose (each side)
  • 1 minute quad stretch (each side)