Workout of the day

Kick off your Sunday with a bang! The “Sunday Strength Marathon” is designed to elevate your weekend workout routine. This demanding sequence of exercises will challenge your endurance, power, and resolve, setting a triumphant tone for the week ahead.

The workout of the day consists of:

For time:

  • 20 calories Row
  • 30 Wall Balls (20 lb / 9 kg)
  • 20 Toes to Bars
  • 30 Box Jumps (24 inches / 60 cm)
  • 20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (3 poods / 48 kg)
  • 30 Burpees
  • 20 Shoulder Presses (135 lb / 61 kg)
  • 120 feet Farmer’s Walk (160 lb / 72 kg pair)



  • 15 calorie row
  • 20 Wall Balls (14 lb / 6 kg)
  • 15 Hanging Knee Raises
  • 20 Box Jumps (20 inches / 51 cm)
  • 20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (2 poods / 32 kg)
  • 20 Burpees
  • 15 Shoulder Presses (95 lb / 43 kg)
  • 100 feet Farmer’s Walk (120 lb / 54 kg pair)


  • 10 calorie row
  • 15 Wall Balls (10 lb / 4.5 kg)
  • 10 Sit-ups
  • 15 Box Jumps/Step-ups (16 inches / 40 cm)
  • 15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (1.5 poods / 24 kg)
  • 15 Burpees
  • 10 Shoulder Presses (65 lb / 30 kg)
  • 80 feet Farmer’s Walk (80 lb / 36 kg pair)

No equipment

Without Equipment:

  • 20 Burpees to simulate calories on row
  • 30 Air Squats instead of Wall Balls
  • 20 V-Ups instead of Toes to Bars
  • 30 Tuck Jumps instead of Box Jumps
  • 20 Kettlebell Swings with a backpack or gallon jug
  • 30 Burpees (same as with equipment)
  • 20 Pike Push-ups instead of Shoulder Press
  • 120 feet Overhead Lunges with a gallon jug or heavy book


10 minutes of:

  • 2 minutes light jog or jump rope
  • Dynamic leg swings (10 reps each leg)
  • 10 air squats
  • 5 inchworms with a push-up
  • 10 scapular pull-ups
  • 5 broad jumps
  • Arm circles (10 forward, 10 backward)
  • 5 half-kneeling single-arm dumbbell press each arm (light weight)


5-10 minutes of:

  • Foam rolling (quads, hamstrings, back)
  • Pigeon pose (1 minute each side)
  • Butterfly stretch (1 minute)
  • Shoulder stretches with a band or towel (30 seconds each arm)
  • Downward Dog pose (1 minute)
  • Child’s pose (1 minute)