Workout of the day
Alright, team! Get ready to unleash the beast because today’s Friday Frenzy workout is here to test our limits! We’re diving into three rounds for time, starting with 15 toes to bar, then 12, then 9, followed by 15 wall balls with a 20-pound (9-kilogram) ball, scaling down to 12, then 9, and finishing strong with 15 thrusters at 75 pounds (34 kilograms), then 12, then 9. It’s all about pushing through the burn, keeping that intensity high, and leaving it all out on the floor. Let’s crush this workout together!
The workout of the day consists of:
3 rounds for time:
- 15/12/9 Toes to Bar
- 15/12/9 Wall Balls 20 lb (9 kg)
- 15/12/9 Thrusters 75 lb (34 kg)
- Hanging knee raises instead of toes to bar
- Wall Balls with lighter weight (10 lb or 14 lb)
- Thrusters with lighter weight (45 lb or 65 lb) Intermediates:
- Keep the weight and reps as prescribed, focus on consistent form and pacing. RX athletes:
- As prescribed.
No equipment
For those without equipment:
- V-ups or sit-ups instead of toes to bar
- Air squats with a jump (for explosiveness) instead of wall balls
- Dumbbell or kettlebell thrusters, or if no weights are available, use milk jugs or similar household items filled with sand or water.
2 rounds of:
- 200 m light jog
- 10 air squats
- 10 pvc pipe pass-throughs
- 10 sit-ups
- 30 seconds plank hold
- 1 minute pigeon pose each side
- 1 minute seated forward fold
- 1 minute child’s pose
- 2 minutes foam rolling legs and upper back