Workout of the day

Get ready to build strength and endurance with our Squat-urday Showdown! This workout will test your squatting powers and mental toughness as you push through each minute. Good luck, athletes!

The workout of the day consists of:

EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) for as long as possible:

  • 2 Back Squats
    • Men: 185 lb (84 kg)
    • Women: 95 lb (43 kg)


  • Lighter Weights: Use lighter weights than prescribed
  • Reduced Reps: Perform only 1 back squat each minute if volume is too intense.
  • Adjust Squat Depth: Modify depth for those with mobility restrictions.
  • Increased Interval: Switch to every 90 seconds or two minutes for more rest.

No equipment

For athletes without access to equipment or who prefer to work out using bodyweight exercises, here are no-equipment options for the EMOM Back Squats:

  • Air Squats: An air squat is a bodyweight movement that mimics the range of motion of a back squat without any weight. The athlete should focus on maintaining proper squat form, with the hips descending below parallel and then driving back up to full extension.
  • Jump Squats: To add a plyometric element to the workout and increase heart rate, athletes can perform jump squats. Similar to the air squat in form, but at the top of the movement, the athlete will explosively jump upwards and then land softly to go into the next squat.
  • Pistol Squats (Single-Leg Squats): For those who have the mobility and want more of a challenge, pistol squats are an advanced single-leg exercise that can significantly increase the difficulty of the workout.
  • Lunges: Forward or reverse lunges can be a substitute, focusing on one leg at a time. This change maintains engagement of similar muscle groups and stability requirements.
  • Wall Sit: If continuous squatting or lunging is not feasible, athletes can perform a wall sit for a certain period each minute. This will continue to challenge the lower body’s strength and endurance.


3 rounds of:

  • 30 seconds air squats
  • 30 seconds jumping jacks
  • 30 seconds dynamic lunges
  • 30 seconds high knees


3 rounds of:

  • 30 seconds pigeon stretch each leg
  • 30 seconds child’s pose
  • 30 seconds butterfly stretch
  • 30 seconds seated forward bend