Workout of the day

Rise and shine! It’s time to power through the ‘Sizzling Saturday Slam!’ This all-levels friendly bash will challenge your strength, endurance, and grit. Let’s set the bar high, give it everything we’ve got, and crush the weekend together!

The workout of the day consists of:

For time: 20 calories Row 30 Wall Balls (20 lb / 9 kg) 20 Toes to Bar 30 Box Jumps (24 in / 60 cm) 20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (115 lb / 52 kg) 30 Burpees 20 Shoulder to Overheads (135 lb / 61 kg) 20 calories Row


For scaled options:

  • Reduce Wall Ball weight to 14 lb / 6 kg or 10 lb / 4.5 kg
  • Substitute knee raises for Toes to Bar
  • Reduce Box Jump height to 20 in / 50 cm or step-ups
  • Reduce Sumo Deadlift High Pull weight to 95 lb / 43 kg or 75 lb / 34 kg
  • Shoulder to Overhead weight to 115 lb / 52 kg or 95 lb / 43 kg

No equipment

For those without equipment:

  • Substitute 1-minute high knees for the row
  • Use a backpack filled with books for Wall Balls
  • Do V-ups instead of Toes to Bar
  • Perform jump squats or tuck jumps for Box Jumps
  • Do kettlebell swings or dumbbell high pulls for Sumo Deadlift High Pull
  • Instead of Shoulder to Overhead, do pike push-ups or handstand push-ups against a wall


5-minute easy row Dynamic stretching: leg swings, arm circles, hip openers 2 rounds of:

  • 10 air squats
  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 sit-ups
  • 30 seconds jumping jacks


5-minute easy row or walk Stretching:

  • Hamstring stretch
  • Quad stretch
  • Shoulder stretch
  • Lat stretch
  • Cobra pose
  • Child’s pose