Workout of the day

Let’s wrap up the work week with a burst of power and endurance! Today’s session, ‘Fierce Frenzy’, is designed to push your limits and finish strong. We’re increasing the thruster weight slightly for an added challenge, but remember, good form is key. Let’s crush this workout and head into the weekend feeling victorious!

The workout of the day consists of:

For time:

  • 9 Thrusters (95 lb / 43 kg for men, 65 lb / 29 kg for women).
  • 1000 meters Row.
  • 15 Thrusters (95 lb / 43 kg for men, 65 lb / 29 kg for women).
  • 1000 meters Row.
  • 21 Thrusters (95 lb / 43 kg for men, 65 lb / 29 kg for women).


Scale Options:

  • Reduce the thruster weight if needed: intermediate athletes can use 75 lb / 34 kg, beginners can go for 45 lb / 20 kg (men) and 55 lb / 25 kg, 35 lb / 16 kg (women).
  • If rowing isn’t an option, scale to 800 meters of running or 4 minutes of high knees for a no-equipment alternative.

No equipment

No Equipment Alternative:

  • Replace thrusters with jump squats, ensuring a full range of motion, for high-intensity bodyweight training.
  • Substitute row with 800 meters of running or 4 minutes of high knees to keep the cardio element alive without a rower.


Warm-up [5-7 minutes]:

  • Jog/Row for 2 minutes at an easy pace to get the blood flowing.
  • Dynamic stretching: leg swings, arm circles, hip rotations, 10 air squats, 10 scap push-ups.
  • 2 rounds of 5 light-weight thrusters with a pause at the bottom, 5 spiderman lunges each side, and 10 alternating jumping lunges for explosiveness.
  • Warm-up with a few practice rows, increasing intensity to prep for the workout.


Cooldown [5-7 minutes]:

  • Light row or walk to bring down the heart rate.
  • Stretching: focus on the shoulders, quads, and hamstrings with static stretches like overhead shoulder stretches, seated hamstring stretches, and standing quad stretches.
  • Foam rolling for the quads, glutes, and back to aid recovery.