Workout of the day

The workout of the day consists of:

For time:

  • 100 calories Row
  • 75 Thrusters (45 lb / 20 kg)
  • 50 Pull-Ups
  • 75 Wall Balls (20 lb / 9 kg)
  • 100 calories Row



  • Reduce weight to 35 lb (16 kg) or as needed Pull-Ups:
  • Perform with assistance (bands) or do Ring Rows Wall Balls:
  • Reduce weight to 14 lb (6 kg) or as needed

No equipment

For those without equipment:

  • Substitute row calories with 400m run or 2 minutes of high knees
  • Thrusters with a broomstick or with water bottles
  • Pull-Ups with Door Frame Rows or Towel Rows
  • Wall Balls with Air Squats or Squat Jumps


3 rounds of:

  • 200m Light jog or 1 minute of jump rope
  • 10 Air Squats
  • 5 Inchworms with a push-up
  • 10 Scapular Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
  • 5 Medicine Ball Cleans (light weight)


  • 5 minutes of easy cycling or walking
  • Stretching:
    • Shoulder stretches (bands or a towel)
    • Pigeon pose for glutes and hip flexors
    • Quad stretch
    • Hamstring stretch
    • Lat stretch
  • Deep breathing for relaxation