Workout of the day

The workout of the day consists of:

50 Burpees 50 Kettlebell Swings (1.5 pood/24kg/53lb) 50 Box Jumps (24"/60cm/20"/50cm) 50 Dumbbell Push Presses (35lb/16kg) 50 Calories Rowing 50 Wall Balls (20lb/9kg/14lb/6kg to 10’/3m/9’/2.75m) 50 Toes to Bar 50 Double-Unders


  • Reduce the number of reps to 30 or 40 for beginners.
  • Substitute Box Jumps with Step-ups.
  • Use a lighter Kettlebell/Dumbbell for swings and presses.
  • Perform Knee Raises instead of Toes to Bar.
  • Substitute Double-Unders with Double the number of Single-Unders.

No equipment

  • If you don’t have a kettlebell, use a heavy book or backpack for the swings and deadlifts.
  • For box jumps, find a sturdy bench or step.
  • For dumbbell push presses, use water bottles or canned goods.
  • Substitute rowing with jumping jacks (equal calorie to rep ratio).
  • If you don’t have wall balls, perform thrusters with the backpack or use the water bottles.
  • Perform sit-ups instead of Toes to Bar.
  • If you can’t do double-unders, perform single-unders or jumping jacks.


10-minute AMRAP:

  • 30 Jumping Jacks
  • 10 Air Squats
  • 5 Inchworms with Push-up
  • 10 Kettlebell Deadlifts (light weight)
  • 30 Single-Unders
  • 10 Knee Raises


5-10 minutes of stretching focusing on:

  • Hamstring Stretch
  • Quad Stretch
  • Shoulder Stretch
  • Calf Stretch
  • Pigeon Pose or Deep Glute Stretch