Workout of the day

The workout of the day consists of:

For time:
800 meters Weighted Run (20 lb / 9 kg - 14 lb / 6 kg)
30 Kettlebell Swings (1.5 pood / 24 kg - 1 pood / 16 kg)
30 Push-Ups
15-15 Kettlebell Clean and Jerk ( 1.5 pood / 24 kg - 1 pood / 16 kg)
30 Air Squats
15-15 Dumbbell Snatches (45 lb / 20 kg - 34 lb / 15 kg)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24 inches / 61 cm - 20 inches / 51 cm)
800 meters Weighted Run (20 lb / 9 kg - 14 lb / 6 kg)


Intermediate: Reduce weight for kettlebell swings and dumbbell snatches. Scale box jump overs to step-overs.
Beginner: Substituting weighted run with brisk walk. Halve the kettlebell and dumbbell weights. Reduce box height or step-overs.

No equipment

No equipment: Replace weighted run with an unweighted run or brisk walk. Substitute kettlebell swings with single-leg hip bridges, clean and jerks with pike push-ups, dumbbell snatches with alternating lunge jumps. For burpee box jump overs, perform burpees with a tuck jump.


10-minute gentle jog
Dynamic stretches: leg swings, arm circles, hip circles
2 sets of: 10 air squats, 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 5 burpees
Specific warm-up for weighted run: 400 meters light jog


5-10 minutes of easy walking or cycling
Static stretches: hamstring stretch, quad stretch, calf stretch, shoulder stretch
Foam rolling for legs and back