Tuesday Crusher

The workout of the day consists of: Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of 50 meters Shuttle Sprints down and back 10 PullUps use bands if needed 10 Ring Dips use assistance if needed 15 Air Squats 10 Burpees This upgraded mix will challenge your full body

2025-01-14 · 2 min · Max Reps

Monday Madness

The workout of the day consists of: 10 rounds for time of 5 PullUps 10 Ring Pushups 15 GHD Situps

2025-01-13 · 1 min · Max Reps

Sunday Sprint Smash

The workout of the day consists of: 10 rounds for time of 10 Back Squats 115 lbs 52 kg 100 meters Sprint

2025-01-12 · 1 min · Max Reps

Super Saturday Sweat Fest

The workout of the day consists of: 3 rounds of 10 Burpees 15 Box Jumps 2420 inches 20 Kettlebell Swings 5335 lbs 2416 kg 25 SitUps 30 Walking Lunges

2025-01-11 · 1 min · Max Reps

Freestyle Friday AMRAP

The workout of the day consists of: Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of 7 Toes to Bar 20 Dumbbell Push Press 35 lbs15 kg each hand 30 Double Unders

2025-01-10 · 2 min · Max Reps

Thrilling Thursday Power-Up

The workout of the day consists of: For time 80 Power Cleans 135 lb 105 lb 80 PushUps 800m Run

2025-01-09 · 2 min · Max Reps

Wednesday Warrior WOD

The workout of the day consists of: 5 rounds for time of 5 Power Cleans 135 lb 61 kg 10 Ring Rows 5 Box Jumps

2025-01-08 · 2 min · Max Reps

Tuesday's Endurance Grind

The workout of the day consists of: 5 rounds for time of 10 Strict PullUps 15 Bar Dips 400 meters Run

2025-01-07 · 1 min · Max Reps

Monday Mayhem

The workout of the day consists of: 3 rounds for time of 21159 Thrusters 95 lbs 42.5 kg RX 65 lbs 30 kg Scaled Kettlebell Swing 70 lbs 1.5 pood 32 kg RX 53 lbs 1 pood 24 kg Scaled Burpees

2025-01-06 · 2 min · Max Reps

Super Sunday Smash

The workout of the day consists of: For time 36912151821 Hang Power Clean 135 lb 95 lb 6121824303642 SitUps 36912151821 Burpees

2025-01-05 · 1 min · Max Reps